These pictures aren't all in order. This is Holden in his crib. He was completely asleep like this. I thought it was funny.

The boys on Grandpa and Grandma Collette's porch swing. They like to swing on it.
Grandma bought the boys some Halloween outfits. lol. They look so cute in them.

My little monkeys

Grandma holding my sick baby Holden. Jack was sick first with a cough and a fever. Holden followed a few days later. It is so hard having a sick child:(

Mom with her awesome hat at the emotion bowl.

My good friend Rachel coming with us to the game. The boys were extra warm. I love their faces


Both asleep on grammy's bed.

I left Jack in the family room for 2 minutes when I was tending to Holden. When I came back he was asleep like this on the floor.

Cousin Addi:) with Jack. She loves the babies and we all love her.
These boys love to be held! It gets tiring holding them both all of the time. So I came up with a different method of transportation. This other vidoe is of them eating grahm crackers. They love em.
Chris, these pics are great!! that one where you've moving them around on the blanket is awesome!!!!! love ya girl.
christine no wonder their heads are flat! dragging them around like like. lol
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